The Science

Research & Studies

Years of research and development have been put into learning the benefits that molecular hydrogen therapy offers the body.

To better understand all of the science of molecular hydrogen as well as negative oxidation reduction potential, we encourage before purchasing to review the research for yourself from the non-affiliated linked sources.

  • Studies Hydrogen Benefits
  • National Center for Biotech
  • Taylor & Francis / Informa Healthcare
  • Europe PubMed - Sports Medicine
  • Molecular Hydrogen
  • PubMed National Institute of Health
  • Molecular Medicine BioMed
  • - Hydrogen Water Study
  • Hydrogen Research
  • The Evolution of Molecular Hydrogen
  • Dovepress Medical (Diabetes Study)
  • PubMed Pilot Study (Athlete Study)

How does Oxidation Reduction Potential work? (ORP)

In the video, we hear from Dr. Robert Gellibolian Ph.D. of Biochemistry explain how molecular hydrogen paired with the negative oxidation levels is more beneficial to the human body than higher pH alkaline water. In fact it's not the alkalinity that is most beneficial, it's the released hydrogen gases when absorbed into our bloodstream.

Read more about the health benefits here.

Why Does (ORP) Matter?

A high or positive oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) level means that the water you're drinking is oxidizing, which may lead to oxidative stress on your body; most drinking water has high ORP levels. With our products, we can generate negative ORP water making your water anti-oxidizing. This type of water will help scavenge the body to find and fight harmful free radicals.

Our hydrogen generating water products lower the ORP of your water to less than -500 mV in one cycle. Running two consecutive cycles may result in even lower ORP levels measuring near -750 mV. 

Everyone Agrees. Water Is Vital.

You may already know that drinking enough water is one of the keys to greater health, however, the quality of water required for this biohacking component to create optimal body function is often assumed. Incorporating the discoveries from years of groundbreaking water research from scientists and studies conducted around the globe.

A simple yet powerful essential to transforming your water will help improve your overall body health and vitality!

Our focus is to highlight the importance of clean, energetic hydrogen infused water and how vital it is to efficient body detoxing and maintaining optimal function of all systems.

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Everyone Agrees.
Water Is Vital.

You may already know that drinking enough water is one of the keys to greater health, however, the quality of water required for this biohacking component to create optimal body function is often assumed. Incorporating the discoveries from years of groundbreaking water research from scientists and studies conducted around the globe.

A simple yet powerful essential to transforming your water will help improve your overall body health and vitality!

Our focus is to highlight the importance of clean, energetic hydrogen infused water and how vital it is to efficient body detoxing and maintaining optimal function of all systems.

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Water is vital according to ionBottles