Hydrogen Water Blog

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Drink Your Way To A Healthier You: 5 Ways Hydrogen Water Is High Antioxidant Water | ionBottles

Drink Your Way To A Healthier You: 5 Ways Hydrogen Water Is High Antioxidant Water

Oct 26, 2021

Hydrogen water is an exciting new way to invest in your health and beauty. There are many benefits to drinking hydrogen-rich water, like increased energy levels, better sleep quality, decreased inflammation throughout the body (which can help treat chronic pain), healthier skin with less acne or wrinkles; it’s basically a fountain of youth!

3 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen Water | ionBottles

3 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen Water

Oct 11, 2021

Hydrogen water has some amazing health benefits that are worth considering. Hydrogen water can help with stomach issues, gut infections, and even cancer treatments. It also helps your body maintain the right pH balance by helping to flush out toxins from cells which in turn will benefit your immune system.

Daily Hydration: How Much Water Should You Drink? | ionBottles

Daily Hydration: How Much Water Should You Drink?

Sep 27, 2021

Dehydration is one of the most common problems in today’s society. Learn how to stay hydrated and get more water into your daily routine. Keywords are placed at the end of the meta description instead of on their own line because they are too long.

Hydrogen Water vs. Regular Drinking Water

Hydrogen Water vs. Regular Drinking Water

Sep 22, 2021

Hydrogen water has been all over the news lately. People are flocking to their nearest supermarket and health food store to buy this amazing life-changing water that is supposed to be better than regular drinking water. The question on everyone's mind is "Is hydrogen-rich water really better than plain old H2O?" If you're not sure, read our blog post and find out why so many people believe it might be true!

What is Molecular Hydrogen Water | ionBottles

What is Molecular Hydrogen Water

Sep 20, 2021

What is Molecular Hydrogen Water: Molecular hydrogen water can be found in many natural sources such as volcanoes, hot springs, or even nuclear reactors. It's made up of two parts hydrogen gas which has no color or taste and one part oxygen gas which makes it look like regular water. When you drink this type of water it helps balance out your body's pH levels by reducing acidity because too much acidity can cause inflammation throughout the body while also increasing energy

5 Ways Hydrogen Water Can Change Your Life | ionBottles

5 Ways Hydrogen Water Can Change Your Life

Sep 19, 2021

Hydrogen water is becoming a popular drink for those looking to detoxify their body. The hydrogen molecules in the water break down into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, which are then absorbed by the cells of your body. This process helps to remove toxins from your cells at a rapid pace, leaving you feeling refreshed after drinking it. Hydrogen water also has other benefits that will change your life for the better!

Hydrogen, Ionized, and Alkaline Water: What’s the Difference? | ionBottles

Hydrogen, Ionized, and Alkaline Water: What’s the Difference?

Sep 19, 2021

Water is extremely important for living a healthy life. Staying hydrated is one of the most effective ways to be healthy. However, recently, you’ve likely heard about new trends in water including things like hydrogen water, ionized water, and alkaline water. What do these terms mean? Are they similar and, if so, what are the differences? Let’s take a look at these three terms in order to provide an explanation of what each means and how it relates to you.